quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2018

Bring Justice to Education!

Great Vídeo... My everyday struggle against a System that treats School as a "Screw Factory", forgetting that each child is an unique miracle (each Life never will be repeated again).  The World and Society has changed exponentially... but School runs like 150 years ago (the Industrial Revolution)!!!

sábado, 19 de maio de 2018


        Life is not an exact Science... Before we "teach" numeric Mathematics at school, we should show the roads of the real VALUES that embrace MANKIND and HUMANITY... In this Mathematics: you only learn to multiply, when you learn to divide; you only win, when you learn to loose; and you only receive when you learn to give." (Augusto Cury)... It´s the Mathemathics os LIFE!

                                      HAVE A NICE DAY! ENJOY TODAY`S SUNRISE!